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Button does not show label after being nulled before

Open er453r opened this issue 8 years ago • 4 comments

The problem lies here: https://github.com/ianharrigan/haxeui/blob/master/haxe/ui/toolkit/controls/Button.hx#L360

The solution is to add _label.visible = true; before organiseChildren();

er453r avatar Dec 11 '15 23:12 er453r

That seems strange, if you null (destroy) the label, then it should be recreated and when components are recreated they should start off as visible. Why are you nulling the label btw?

ianharrigan avatar Dec 12 '15 08:12 ianharrigan

Ah, sorry, i understand... You mean when you set the .text to null and then back to a value... gotcha... :)

ianharrigan avatar Dec 12 '15 08:12 ianharrigan

Yes, I've meant nulling the text field, sorry for the confusion

er453r avatar Dec 12 '15 09:12 er453r

Should be fixed now in latest haxelib version.

ianharrigan avatar Dec 12 '15 19:12 ianharrigan