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OpenTelemetry support for the Haskell programming language

Results 47 hs-opentelemetry issues
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Use `unix-compat` in place of `unix`, enabling the project to build for Windows too. Unfortunately, had to leave `process.owner` field empty because a non-POSIX `getEffectiveUserID` implementation is absent in `unix-compat`...

https://github.com/iand675/hs-opentelemetry/blob/02653bbfa286579be13cef17701da454ac3dfce1/api/src/OpenTelemetry/Attributes.hs#L92-L94 newAttrs should use `attributeLengthLimit `, otherwise attributes get cut at 128 bytes by default. ``` newAttrs = H.insert k (maybe id limitLengths attributeLengthLimit $ toAttribute v) attributes ```

Sharing this early to get feedback and suggestions. Attempt to address #7.

When using the libraries by depending on in `hs-opentelemetry-sdk`, you'll end up with a very outdated version of `hs-opentelemetry-exporter-otlp`, as the current bound was still `==0.0.1.*`. However version `` contains...

The function `mergeResources` in `OpenTelemetry.Resource` seems to be backwards. The documentation calls the first argument the old resource and the second argument the updating resource, meaning the second argument's attribute...

I've been feeling lately that I'm not necessarily responding to issues, PRs, and upstream evolutions of the OpenTelemetry spec in a timely fashion. My desire for this project has been...

The `h-o-sdk` package depends on `unix`, preventing it to build on Windows, while, at first glance, only `unix`-specific functions it seems to use are `getProcessID` ([present](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/unix-compat-0.7.1/docs/System-PosixCompat-Process.html#v:getProcessID) in `unix-compat-0.7.1`) and `getEffectiveUserName`...

When there is no internet connection, the library hangs for a while before giving up. This can result in delay and lag in processes. I'm not sure the best way...

Allow user to bypass trace id generator and provide it externally. The use case I have for this is [the AWS XRay extractor](https://github.com/kfigiela/hs-opentelemetry-awsxray/blob/8b73924181bf2cbf8f2befb950ea879a4a233fe1/library/OpenTelemetry/AWSXRay/Propagator.hs#L38) running in `ALB` mode. As described below,...

Upstream otel specs have planned renaming a bunch of http instrumentation fields, and there's a migration plan here: https://opentelemetry.io/blog/2023/http-conventions-declared-stable/#migration-plan