Thank you~ By the way, have you tried to train on librispeech dataset? If yes, could you share WER on librispeech?
Could you share your sample outputs? I can't have a good result when I trained your model to 400 epochs.
Thank you~ I have experienced this situation twice, and it almost happened that after two or three days of running. I stopped it and restarted, it can resume training.
Could you please have a look at this: I tried to install environments without docker. However, it occurs #32 where I paste my error at the end. Could you please...
That's right! It’s really the problem. Thanks!
It's very strange. My experiment didn't continue to display any info and also not save ckpt.
I didn't solve this problem. I just restart running again to deal with it.😂
I meet the same problem, and this is my print of `inputs` and `py_utils.GetShape(inputs)`: ``` inputs: Tensor("ExpandDims_1:0", dtype=float32, device=/job:local/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0) py_utils.GetShape: Tensor("fprop/librispeech/tower_0_0/enc/Shape:0", shape=(?,), dtype=int32, device=/job:local/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0) ``` And my errors: ``` Traceback...