Esse error pode ocorrer tambem caso nao esteja espeficiando o `content-type` na request. ```tsx headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } ```
It works when I disable Zygisk, the problem is that I need Zygisk...
Same issue here.
You can do like this, just make sure to use the `app-key`, not the `app-id`. ```tsx useEffect(() => { // Initialize Pusher on the client const pusher = new Pusher(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_KEY...
Here's a fixed version of the script previously shared. ```python # tweak up from # to use this $ python3 apk/WhatsApp.apk # Output : # WhatsApp Version :...
Can anybody build the latest updated release? edit: i think i was able to compile it on android studio [](