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Results 7 Capsule issues
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This PR addresses issue #26. Removed duplicate code for capsule_zmq and capsule_mpc, now both are operating from capsule_server. The capsule_server/ script now accepts two flags, one for the type of...

The zmq-server, when encountering an exception, gets stuck forever in the while loop, and prevents any subsequent requests from beind handled. A potential solution si defining some sort of protocol,...

Description: In this [PySyft Demo Notebook for SPDZ MPC]( 2 different people (server1, server2) split up the ownership of any tensors created. In this issue, we want to simulate a...

Description: In this [PySyft Demo Notebook for MPC]( 3 different people (bob, alice, and sam) split up the ownership of any tensors created. In this issue, we want to simulate...

Update the `README` to follow the new [README template]( Currently missing * everything 🙅


Hi everyone, I think NuCypher's PKE could be a really elegant solution for distributed private Key management on OpenMined that satisfy's both Jane's and AI Inc's requirements (see Andrew's slide...