thank you for the clarification @hdiniz 1. I do think think that these generic metadata fields are needed. I think it is important to capture when an agreement record was...
Just a heads up: when adding the agreements to the full expense details page make sure that it only shows up for fiscal host admins (because the expense details page...
While I am personal attracted to this potential and am curious about the effects it could have at a platform scale this is NOT currently a priority.
Yesterday in a scoping conversation attended by @kewitz @Memo-Es @znarf and myself we outlined a 3 phase plan for approaching this project. attn: @natehn ### Phase1: Pending Contributions for Fiscal...
@kewitz my understanding is that our current working assumption that we are NOT touching invoices. We agreed that this is a desirable capability (removes the manual copy-pasting between screens) but...
since we are not including in this phase the "conversational work pattern" we need to consider adding: 1. Purchase Order# 2. Notes field (that in the future can be transitioned...
Noting some comments on the [latest design](https://www.figma.com/file/KinuveYf4WUlRIXzMTnmIsmO/[OC-Design]-Lab-%F0%9F%A7%AA?node-id=18944%3A267097): 1. Dividing the form into clear sections: - from (contributor information) - to (collective, project/event, tier) - amount (amount, fees, purchase order, payment...
The following are two prioritized lists for work that can be invested in improving and enhancing the expanded budget section based on the collected feedback: ## Corrections - [ ]...
## Status Update - During Q3S2 we developed a rough working prototype which felt like something that can be shared with potential users for feedback. - During the internal demo's...
@toomuchinformation & I had a conversation yesterday and work-shopped some ideas together in rough wireframes. This helped outline the challenges we wish to tackle next: 1. **Discern** between collective profile...