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Robot Motion Planning Algorithms

Path Planning for Reeds-Shepp Car

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Model Description
  • Limitations
  • Collision Detection
  • Path Planning Techniques
    • RRT
    • RRT*
    • Type 1 and Type 2 maneuvers
  • Results
    • Holonomic Robot
    • Non-Holonomic Robot
  • Execution Instruction
    • Dependencies
    • Creating and Loading Scene
    • Running Path Planning Methods
  • Source Code
  • Future Work
  • References


The goal of this project is to implement sampling based motion planning algorithms such as Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree(RRT) and its variant RRT* for a holonomic point robot and a Reeds-Shepp car like robot with non-holonomic constraints.

When I was implementing RRT* with non-holonomic constraints, I noticed that we need to be able to reach a nearby point(q_near) with its orientation from the new configuration(q_new). This is mostly impossible to reach by just trying the six combination of inputs that a Reeds-Shepp Car can take. So I also implemented Type 1 and Type 2 maneuvers for a car like robot to reach a desired configuration by doing combinations of these two maneuvers.

Model Description

  • Robot Model          : Point Robot and Reeds-Shepp Car(Rigid Body)
  • Type                      : Holonomic and Non-Holonomic
  • Workspace            : 2-D plane with Obstacles
  • Collision Detection: Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes(Implemented)


For the non-holonomic case, I'm still defining the robot as point because of my collision detection methods can only tell whether a point lies inside the obstacle or not. I didn't implement polygon-polygon collision detection methods to facilitate this and also using existing libraries for collision detection even complicates my data structures.

Collision Detection

Axis Aligned Bounding Box

The collision detection method that I implemented and used to check collision for the below path planning techniques is Axis aligned bounding boxes. Here every obstacle in the environment is bounded by a rectangle of smallest possible size and checking the robot is inside the rectangle while planning the path.

Path Planning Techniques

  • RRT
  • RRT*
  • Type 1 and Type 2 Maneuvers

Type 1 and Type 2 Maneuvers

Type 1: This maneuver is to take the robot from a configuration to another configuration without changing the orientation(Like parallel parking).

Type 1

Type 2: This maneuver is to bring a robot from some orientation to a desired orientation in-place(Like a three-point turn)

Type 2

Images Source: Class Lectures

There was a third type of movement is implemented to connect these two maneuvers to reach the goal exactly. First, type 2 maneuver is done to change to desired orientation and then marching forward or backward till it finds a point that is exactly parallel to the goal configuration, then type 1 maneuver is done to reach the goal configuration. Below GIF shows type 1, type 2 and marching in cyan, brown and yellow colors respectively from the simulation.



Holonomic Robot

RRT with 10000 random samples

RRT Holonomic

RRT* with 10000 random samples

RRT Star Holonomic

Non-Holonomic Robot

Yellow Lines near the goal(Red Square) represents the maneuvers performed to reach the goal as desired

RRT with 1000 random samples

RRT Non Holonomic

RRT* with 1000 random samples

The below images shows rewiring step(by doing type1 and type2 maneuvers) in multiple places.

RRT Star Non Holonomic

Execution Instruction


  • Python 2.7
  • Pygame
  • Numpy
  • Ubuntu 14.04 or 15.10

To Install Numpy and Pygame on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install pip            # Install pip(python package manager)
sudo pip install -U numpy           # Install Numpy using pip
sudo apt-get install python-pygame  # Install Pygame using Ubuntu package manager

Note: This program can also be run on Windows and Mac with appropriate pygame installation

Creating and Loading Scene

To create scene(2D-environment with obstacles), run the below command from terminal/command prompt.

cd rmp                              # Navigate inside the project folder
python scene.py                     # Run scene definer

In the Screen resulted by running the above command, you can draw shapes by doing any of the following.

  1. Click and Drag to draw rectangles (like in MS Paint)
  2. Or Just click on 3 or more places on the screen to capture co-ordinates of the polygon and once done press ENTER to see the polygonal shape(Make sure that you don't drag the mouse while clicking).

Once obstacles are defined, Close the window to save the scene to 'scene_01.pkl' file(will be located on the project root directory)

Running Path Planning Methods

Use playground.py located in project root to test the program.

To Define Initial and Goal configurations

Change the q_init and q_goal at line 11 and 12 on playground.py. x,y and theta should be in the range (0-800), (0-800) and (-3.14, 3.14) respectively.

playground.py : Line 11-12
   q_init = (100.0, 500.0, 0.0)
   q_goal = (700.0, 500.0, -2.15)

Choose Algorithm

Uncomment any one line and change parameters to run the required algorithm.

playground.py : Line 27-31
   # Call algorithm
   # rrt_tree = planner.build_rrt(10000, epsilon=5)
   # rrt_tree = planner.build_rrtstar(K=10000, epsilon=5)
   # rrt_tree = planner.nh_build_rrt(K=1000, epsilon=40)
   # rrt_tree = planner.nh_build_rrtstar(K=1000, epsilon=40)

Warning: Non-Holonomic cases with K > 1000 might take longer time to produce result because of inefficient graph plotting

Once you uncommented the algorithm in this step, uncomment/comment the required plotting line to see the result.

Holonomic Plot

For Holonomic cases, Uncomment the below lines and comment the Lines (51-57) shown in the next step(Non-Holonomic Plot)

playground.py : Line 45-47

   # q_goal_vtx = planner.reach_goal(rrt_tree, q_goal)
   # vizer.plot_graph(rrt_tree, q_init)
   # vizer.trace_path(q_goal_vtx)

Non-Holonomic Plot

For Non-Holonomic Case, comment the three lines (45-47) and uncomment lines (51-57)

playground.py : Lines 51-57

   vizer.nh_plot_graph(rrt_tree, q_init)
   a,b,c,d = planner.nh_reach_goal(q_nearest, q_goal)
   final_list = planner.append_t1_m_t2(a, b, c)
   # TODO final_list collision check
   vizer.plot_points(final_list, vizer.YELLOW, 3)

Start and Stop

After selecting the appropriate lines from the above steps,

  • run python playground.py to start the program.
  • Close the window to exit the program once done(Or Press CTRL + C on console to break)

Source Code

On Github

Future Work

  • Improve Collision detection to more accurate methods and define the car as a polygon instead of point.
  • Type 1 and Type 2 maneuvers should be optimized to reduce number of intermediate steps
  • Implement bidirectional RRTs


  1. Karaman, Sertac, and Emilio Frazzoli. "Incremental sampling-based algorithms for optimal motion planning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.0416 (2010).
  2. Karaman, Sertac, and Emilio Frazzoli. "Sampling-based algorithms for optimal motion planning." The International Journal of Robotics Research 30.7 (2011): 846-894.
  3. Karaman, Sertac, and Emilio Frazzoli. "Optimal kinodynamic motion planning using incremental sampling-based methods." Decision and Control (CDC), 2010 49th IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2010.
  4. Karaman, Sertac, and Emilio Frazzoli. "Sampling-based optimal motion planning for non-holonomic dynamical systems." Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2013.