AmigoChat-Realtime-Chat-Application icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AmigoChat-Realtime-Chat-Application copied to clipboard

AmigoChat is a responsive real-time chat application built on MERN Stack and Socket io.

AmigoChat 👨🏻‍💻

AmigoChat is a completely responsive real-time chat application built on MERN Stack and

Live - AmigoChat

Video Demo


Screenshots Of Mobile View

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Index ✏️

  1. Features
  2. Setup
  3. Technologies
  4. References
  5. Author
  6. Connect Me On
  7. License

Features Of AmigoChat 🚀

  • SignUp
  • SignIn
  • Adding a Profile Pic[All formats including Gif]
  • Adding Friends based on username Username
  • Showing Online Friends
  • Chatting with the friends along with emoji's in realtime
  • Updating the username and profile pic
  • Logout

Setup 🔥

  • Fork the Repo

  • Clone the repo to your local machine git clone <repo-url>

Frontend Setup 🍧

  1. Get into the chatapp directory cd chatapp

  2. Run npm install to install dependencies

  3. Create a .env file and create variables as mentioned in the .env.example with the values

  4. Run npm start to start the application

Backend Setup 🍿

  1. Get into backend directory cd backend

  2. Run npm install to install dependencies

  3. Create a MongoDB account and get the MONOGO_URL for connecting the server and the Database

  4. Create a .env file and create variables as mentioned in the .env.example with the values

  5. Run nodemon server.js to start the server [Should have installed nodemon globally]

Technologies 🛠

  • ReactJS[Hooks]
  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • MongoDB

References 💻

Author 📝

Connect Me On 🌍

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License 🏆

This repository is licensed under MIT License. Find LICENSE to know more.