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NestJS configured middleware module made simple


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NestJS configured middleware module made simple

What is it?

It is a tiny helper library that helps you create simple idiomatic NestJS module based on Express/Fastify middleware in just a few lines of code with routing out of the box.


npm i create-nestjs-middleware-module


yarn add create-nestjs-middleware-module


Let's imaging you have some middleware factory, for example, simple logger:

export interface Options {
  maxDuration: number

export function createResponseDurationLoggerMiddleware(opts: Options) {
  return (request, response, next) => {
    const start =;

    response.on('finish', () => {
      const message = `${request.method} ${request.path} - ${duration}ms`;

      const duration = - start;

      if (duration > maxDuration) {
      } else {


And you want to create an idiomatic NestJS module based on that middleware. Just pass this middleware factory to createModule function:

import { createModule } from 'create-nestjs-middleware-module';
import { Options, createResponseDurationLoggerMiddleware } from './middleware';

export const TimingModule = createModule<Options>(createResponseDurationLoggerMiddleware);

That's it, your module is ready. Let's see what API it has:

import { TimingModule } from './timing-module';
import { MyController } from './my.controller';

  imports: [

    // 1. `.forRoot()` method accept params satisfying `Options` interface
    TimingModule.forRoot({ maxDuration: 1000 }),

    // 2. `.forRoot()` method accept additional optional routing params
      maxDuration: 1000,

      // both `forRoutes` and `exclude` properties are optional
      // and has the same API as NestJS buil-in `MiddlewareConfigProxy`
      // @see
      forRoutes: [MyController],
      exclude: [{ method: RequestMethod.ALL, path: 'always-fast' }],

    // 3. `.forRootAsync()` method with only factory
      useFactory: async () => {
        return { maxDuration: 1000 }

    // 4. `.forRootAsync()` method with dependencies
      imports: [ConfigModule],
      inject: [ConfigService],
      useFactory: async (config: ConfigService) => {
        return { maxDuration: config.maxDurationForAPIHandler }

    // 5. `.forRootAsync()` method with routing
      imports: [ConfigModule],
      inject: [ConfigService],
      useFactory: async (config: ConfigService) => {
        return {
          maxDuration: config.maxDurationForAPIHandler

          // both `forRoutes` and `exclude` properties are optional
          // and has the same API as NestJS buil-in `MiddlewareConfigProxy`
          // @see
          forRoutes: [MyController],
          exclude: [{ method: RequestMethod.ALL, path: 'always-fast' }],
  controllers: [MyController /*, ... */]
class App {}

More examples

See examples of usage in __tests__ folder or nestjs-session and nestjs-cookie-session packages


  1. createModule callback function can return not only one middleware, but array of it.
import { createModule } from 'create-nestjs-middleware-module';

interface Options {
  // ...

createModule<Options>((options) => {
  function firstMidlleware() { /* ... */ }
  function secondMidlleware() { /* ... */ }
  return [firstMidlleware, secondMidlleware]
  1. If your Options interface has not required properties it can be frustrating to force end-users of your module to call forRoot({}), and for better developer expirience you can cast createModule(...) result to FacadeModuleStaticOptional<Options>, then forRoot() could be called without arguments and without TS error. In such case createModule callback function will be called with empty object {}.
import { createModule, FacadeModuleStaticOptional } from 'create-nestjs-middleware-module';

interface Options {
  maxDuration?: number;

createModule<Options>((options) => {
  typeof options // always "object" even if not passed to `forRoot()`

  return (request, response, next) => {
    // ...
}) as FacadeModuleStaticOptional<Options>;
  1. For better developer experience of end-users of your module you can also export interfaces of forRoot and forRootAsync argument:
import {
} from 'create-nestjs-middleware-module';

interface Options {
  // ...

export type MyModuleOptions = SyncOptions<Options>;

export type MyModuleAsyncOptions = AsyncOptions<Options>;
  1. This library is tested against express and fastify. But you should be aware that middlewares of express are not always work with fastify and vise versa. Sometimes you can check platforms internally. Sometimes maybe it's better to create 2 separate modules for each platform. It's up to you.

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