transferwee icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
transferwee copied to clipboard

Download/upload files via

Results 16 transferwee issues
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Would be nice to be able to provide credentials for every upload request to be able to store files in your account, rather than just as a guest.

![Honeycam 2021-10-22 10-22-16]( Now we can easily check the download progress instead of looks like lagging.

Hello, This tool was awesome and I would request to add one more to this tool. Add the upload/download progress/status and Speed of the transfer.

I want to upload multiple .zip files that are each 1.5 GB in size. I expected to get multiple URLs back but instead it just ran and uploaded for a...

wetransfer now (sometimes) returns short url form in instead of (also this form of short url is returned to the check and test transferwee workflow that started to...

It seems there is a problem if too many files are sent at the same time. Maybe a well positioned time.sleep could solve this problem. ```Checking that all files exists...
