Kevin Vanderbeken
Kevin Vanderbeken
I'd love to have you on the list @johncmckim - I expect there would be variations on the kinds of workshops in exposure to programming. This is some off the...
These are good ideas folks :-) thanks for keeping up the conversation and feel free to continue to think about what your ideal workshop would be like if you were...
Thanks @adam-9001 :) I think this would be great 👍
Sorry it's taken me a bit to get back to this!
Thank you sir :) Pop a few more talk details on when you get the chance and I'll include it in the upcoming line up soon
@ashleydavis - any possibility you can fill in with a talk for Monday BrisJS? I just happen to have lost two speakers at the last minute.
More than happy to do that :)
As discussed, moving your talk to March due to availability.
Hi @ashleydavis - Can i lock you in for presenting on Monday 11th March? Please let me know as soon as possible. I will be overseas on business during 4-8th...
Awesome thanks for being quick!, if we get any replies on the other two speakers, we can confirm!.... if not, we need to skip this upcoming month.