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Is it possible to enable html-content for mdt-column
I need to display an icon in one of the column headers but it seems html-content
only works for mdt-cells. Somehitng like this:
<mdt-column html-content="true">
<md-icon md-font-icon="fa-cog" class="fa"></md-icon>
Is there an alternative to achieve this?
Hi @mehranhatami , I don't entirely get the problem here. The code you provided didn't work or what is the problem?
Hi @iamisti, I have tried to show html code in the header but I dont know if at the moment it is possible:
<mdt-table><mdt-header-row><mdt-column><span>A very big<\br>column name<\br>as header<\br>in the table</span></mdt-column></mdt-header-row></mdt-table>
the html-content="true"
does not work for me
<mdt-table><mdt-header-row><mdt-column html-content="true"><span>A very big<\br>column name<\br>as header<\br>in the table</span></mdt-column></mdt-header-row></mdt-table>
or maybe I have to done something wrong
by the way I don't know if use the ng-bind-html
is allowed
Hi @refarcpoc , I see now. No it is not possible yet, but I can build that in if it's important for you.
I still need to check if it's possible and doesn't brake any features.
Hi @iamisti, Thanks by you answer, I need this functionality to allow change the style on the header especially when the columns text are too big
@iamisti Is this issue fixed? Because I need this feature in our project too, It would be great if md-header-row can take in html-content="true" so that we can customize the header column ourself.
I need customize header column too. I was testing it and it doesn't seem to work.