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VImScript language server, LSP for vim script

VimScript Language Server

CI Npm Type download

language server for VimScript


  • auto completion
  • function signature help
  • hover document
  • go to definition
  • go to references
  • document symbols
  • document highlight
  • folding range
  • select range
  • rename
  • snippets
  • diagnostic



For yarn

yarn global add vim-language-server

For npm

npm install -g vim-language-server

For coc.nvim user install coc extension:

:CocInstall coc-vimlsp

For vim-easycomplete user install lsp server via :InstallLspServer vim and config nothing:

:InstallLspServer vim


for document highlight

let g:markdown_fenced_languages = [
      \ 'vim',
      \ 'help'

lsp client config example with coc.nvim

  • Using node ipc
"languageserver": {
  "vimls": {
    "module": "/path/to/vim-language-server/bin/index.js",
    "args": ["--node-ipc"],
    "initializationOptions": {
      "isNeovim": true, // is neovim, default false
      "iskeyword": "@,48-57,_,192-255,-#", // vim iskeyword option
      "vimruntime": "", // $VIMRUNTIME option
      "runtimepath": "",   // vim runtime path separate by `,`
      "diagnostic": {
        "enable": true
      "indexes": {
        "runtimepath": true,      // if index runtimepath's vim files this will effect the suggest
        "gap": 100,               // index time gap between next file
        "count": 3,               // count of files index at the same time
        "projectRootPatterns" : ["strange-root-pattern", ".git", "autoload", "plugin"] // Names of files used as the mark of project root. If empty, the default value [".git", "autoload", "plugin"] will be used
      "suggest": {
        "fromVimruntime": true,   // completionItems from vimruntime's vim files
        "fromRuntimepath": false  // completionItems from runtimepath's vim files, if this is true that fromVimruntime is true
    "filetypes": [ "vim" ],
  • Using stdio
"languageserver": {
  "vimls": {
    "command": "vim-language-server",
    "args": ["--stdio"],
    "initializationOptions": {
      "isNeovim": true, // is neovim, default false
      "iskeyword": "@,48-57,_,192-255,-#", // vim iskeyword option
      "vimruntime": "",                    // $VIMRUNTIME option
      "runtimepath": "",                   // vim runtime path separate by `,`
      "diagnostic": {
        "enable": true
      "indexes": {
        "runtimepath": true,      // if index runtimepath's vim files this will effect the suggest
        "gap": 100,               // index time gap between next file
        "count": 3,               // count of files index at the same time
        "projectRootPatterns" : ["strange-root-pattern", ".git", "autoload", "plugin"] // Names of files used as the mark of project root. If empty, the default value [".git", "autoload", "plugin"] will be used
      "suggest": {
        "fromVimruntime": true,   // completionItems from vimruntime's vim files
        "fromRuntimepath": false  // completionItems from runtimepath's vim files, if this is true that fromVimruntime is true
    "filetypes": [ "vim" ]


  • if you set isNeovim: true, command like fixdel in vimrc which neovim does not support will report error.
  • if you want to speed up index, change gap to smaller and count to greater, this will cause high CPU usage for some time
  • if you don't want to index vim's runtimepath files, set runtimepath to false and you will not get any suggest from those files.


The screen record is using coc.nvim as LSP client.

Auto complete and function signature help:


Hover document:


Go to definition and references:


Document symbols:


Document highlight:


Folding range and selection range:




Snippets and diagnostic:



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