for example ``` "diagnostic-languageserver.linters": { "cmakelint": { "command": "cmakelint", "args": [ "--filter=-whitespace/indent"], "debounce": 100, "offsetLine": 0, "offsetColumn": 1, "sourceName": "cmakelint", "formatLines": 1, "formatPattern": [ "(.*)\\s+on\\s+line\\s+(\\d+)\\s+at\\s+column\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$", { "line": 2, "column": 3,...
Can't reproduce, please test with minimum vimrc.
It's weird, please install again. I have publish a new version.
I have no idea, seems it has problem of your coc.nvim to install extension.
If you want to fix here, you can do in middleware, like improve the `setState` snippets here https://github.com/iamcco/coc-flutter/blob/32aaad1edc5b6f51734653771ef136ccf0c181f4/src/server/lsp/resolveCompleteItem.ts#L38-L43
> Thanks! - thats really looking like something I can do - can you point me to a guide on how I can setup a dev environment for coc-flutter to...
Check the lsp output to see setState if is InsertTextFormat.Snippet. this fix is for old lsp version switch return is not InsertTextFormat.Snippet.
assembleDebug 是什么
这些错误就是 flutter run 报的