I don't know what is Rmarkdown, it only support CommonMark syntax and some additional syntax. if you want to preview markdown content with other filetype you can set `let g:mkdp_command_for_global...
There is no `MarkdownPreviewToggle` command, you have to use mapping like `nmap MarkdownPreviewStop`
It would be better to do before render https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim/blob/master/app/pages/index.jsx#L127
I see, the `g:mkdp_auto_start ` and `g:mkdp_auto_start ` conflicts with Goyo
is it possible to support code block detection like ncm2 with [ncm2-markdown-subscope](https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2-markdown-subscope) ?
> @iamcco Not sure how long it'll take before / if this gets reviewed but if you add the changes I made here to your own info.plist the issue will...
Any update?
Any update?