react-native-markdown-display copied to clipboard
Rendering math Equation
import Markdown, { MarkdownIt } from 'react-native-markdown-display';
import markdownItKatex from '@iktakahiro/markdown-it-katex';
import wikilinks from '@gerhobbelt/markdown-it-wikilinks';
const markdownItInstance =
MarkdownIt({typographer: true})
.use(wikilinks, {})
const markdownstyles = {
body: {
fontFamily: "Poppins-Medium",
color: "#070519"
heading1: {
fontSize: 32,
fontFamily: "Poppins-Bold",
color: '#070519',
heading2: {
fontSize: 24
heading3: {
fontSize: 18
heading4: {
fontSize: 16,
heading5: {
fontSize: 13,
heading6: {
fontSize: 11,
const copy = `
This is some text which is red because of the body style, which is also really small!
Pythagoran theorem is $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. $\frac{1}{2}$
Bayes theorem:
$$P(A | B) = (P(B | A)P(A)) / P(B)$$
# Math Rulez! \n $\\sqrt{3x-1}+(1+x)^2$
## Page One
This is the content of Page One. You can [[Technology]](Page Two) or [Page Three](Page Three).
Result if don't use rules
WARN Warning, unknown render rule encountered: wikilink. 'unknown' render rule used (by default, returns null - nothing rendered)
WARN Warning, unknown render rule encountered: math_inline. 'unknown' render rule used (by default, returns null - nothing rendered)
WARN Warning, unknown render rule encountered: math_block. 'unknown' render rule used (by default, returns null - nothing rendered)
Adding rules to markdown
wikilink: (node, children, parent, styles) =>{
const linkText = node.sourceMeta.match[3] ? node.sourceMeta.match[3] : node.sourceMeta.match[1]
return (
style={{color: "blue", fontSize: 16, fontFamily: "Poppins-Medium"}}
onPress={() => {console.log(`Handle the link press and take the user to '${node.sourceMeta.match[1]}' - you will have to parse this string and work out how to handle it in the context of your app / deep links / http links etc. etc. with Linking or ReactRouter or whatever you are using`)}}>
math_inline: (node, children) => {
return (
<Text style={{color: "red", fontSize: 14, fontFamily: "Poppins-Regular"}} key={node.key}>{node.content}</Text>
math_block: (node, children) => {
return (
<Text style={{color: "red", fontSize: 14, fontFamily: "Poppins-Regular"}} key={node.key}>{node.content}</Text>
Output is
Based on my understanding, using markdown-it-katex alone will not render the equation; a React Native component must be utilized.
@ashokkumar-hub I use a combination of markdown-it-math
and react-native-math-view
. You will need to add a custom rule to render the equations though.
Could you please send your implementation? @danielrhodes
I also need the same implementation. Can you please share it? @danielrhodes