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WebXR support
This proof of concept show some initial support for WebXR. This adds 3 examples which feature the Three's VRButton for entering the immersive mode.
Motivation and Context
Three.js supports WebXR, which is the web standard for virtual/mixed/augmented reality. Having iTowns support WebXR would enable an immersive iTowns experience on any WebXR compatible device (hololens, vive, android...)
Tested Platforms
- [x] Hololens 2 on Edge
- [x] Web XR API Emulator on firefox 102
Known Issues (to be completed...)
- Enabling WebXR is hacky
- Camera poses between immersive and non immersive mode are not synchronized
- Camera orientation in immersive mode does not align the vertical direction of the virtual world with the one of the real world.
- LOD computation is broken (low res raster tiles and point patches, no 3D features)
I've also tested VR (and AR) with itowns on this branch
I found the same conclusions and difficulties:
- the rendering loop needs to be modified
- difficulties to sync the VR camera with the 3D viewer camera
Regarding the rendering loop modifications, there is at least a need to replace requestAnimationFrame
by setAnimationLoop
, but I haven't taken enough time to check what are the implications of this modifications and how we should manage it in itowns.
Regarding camera synchronization, I think that setReferenceSpaceType might be the way to go but it didn't work for me and I saw afterwards that according to mozilla's documentation it only works in https.
hi, in my project (not public atm) that uses I have tried to use XRReferenceSpace for teleporting in VR and ran into issue that when user position coordinates were too big, then controllers did not move smoothly in the scene. I suspect this is the issue causes that.
So I ended up moving center of tileset group to center of its bounding box and moving group containing camera and controllers when teleporting. Like they do in the NASA-AMMOS renderer:
setReferenceSpaceType only works in https
secure context is available in localhost same as WebXR -
new webXR support in #2092