Genisys copied to clipboard
Chest glitch
Issue description
Chest going invisible
Steps to reproduce the issue
I'm not sure how to reproduce this issue. iv had many players complain about Chest being invisible and when they break them. Nothing comes out.
OS and versions
- Genisys: I'm not sure what version. it could of happend at anytime.
- PHP: 7
- OS:
Crashdump, backtrace or other files
Paste here
Some plugin must have been modified chunks.
Having same issue. Very sure that this is not caused by a plugin.
Happened in old versions of MCPE, and in PM as well.
It happens if you re-generate a chunk containing tiles. It's a PocketMine glitch :/
any way to stop it from happening?
Not any as of yet :/ Contact the author of the plugin and update him/her with the issue.
I have no idea if a plugin is coursing this.
At least write your current version.
but I have no idea when this started. so it could of been any version from 2 weeks ago 😅
There was an issue concerning this previously that was closed. So, we can say that this issue was confirmed to be occurring since the post of that issue.
Edit: Issue #686 and #420 - 420 described a problem due to a plugin but I recall seeing this issue and thinking that I have the same issue, but I don't have the MineReset plugin, or any other tile-modifying plugin.
OK. So this is an old issue of PocketMine?
Yes, it is.
Yes, @PeratX . There are many more PocketMine bugs like this one :/
Yes, PM does have many many bugs..
Hopefully this can be fixed!
I had this issue for as long as i can not sure how to reproduce it either but it doesn't seem to happen often.
I get this when using copy-paste on a custom WorldEdit I wrote: the pasted chests are invisible, cannot be opened and drop nothing when pasted.
Although this is a way to reproduce the problem, the problem also occurs "naturally", without plugin interference.
I dont have this bug
Invisible is because of the blockentity(tile) of this chest has been removed by unnormal way. That means this is not cause by server software because Genisys does not modify chunk unnormally.
Hmm. If so, what is the correct way to remove a tile?
Removing tiles is okay. Anything that doesn't reset chunk is okay. MineReset v1.0.1 doesn't have this bug.
Alright, I guess this issue can be closed.
Yup. This is directly a PocketMine issue. We might fix this in the future once we are done with our goals :)
I would like some attention to this, chests going invisible are becoming a frustration among my players.
Close this issue. This is what should be happening when you spawn a chest without the tile.
@Muqsit and also when tiles get deleted. I've seen this happen myself occasionally.
This issue was caused by replacing the blocks in a chunk but not retaining the entities, this caused all tiles/entities in the chunk to disappear.