
Results 48 issues of 布衣男儿

``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/usr/local/opt/chisel/libexec/fbchisellldb.py", line 27, in loadCommandsInDirectory module = imp.load_source(fileName, os.path.join(commandsDirectory, file)) File "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/imp.py", line 171, in load_source module =...

**Feature description** Can Termux:Float support input from the keyboard modifier keys such as `Control_L`、`Alt`、 `Escape`?

When there are Chinese characters in the head line, the table cannot be aligned ![截屏2021-09-06 上午11 10 43](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4022953/132155367-48ffc770-141e-4f41-aada-ebc9f9976463.png)

[15:45:46.207] OmniFocus Task Actions[Script Filter] Processing complete [15:45:46.219] OmniFocus Task Actions[Script Filter] Passing output 'fi test' to Run Script [15:45:46.320] ERROR: OmniFocus Task Actions[Run Script] 31:39: syntax error: “°∞"°±”不能跟在“±Í ∂∑˚”之后。...

The default value of the `docstr-format-var` property is `"- %s:"`. After this setting, but the value does not change to `"- Parameter %s:"` ``` elisp (after! docstr (setq! docstr-desc-summary "[描述]")...

(docstr--c-style-search-string 1) ```swift (defun docstr-trigger-swift (&rest _) "Trigger document string inside Swift." (when (and (memq major-mode docstr-swift-modes) (docstr--doc-valid-p) (docstr-util-looking-back "///" 3)) (insert " ") (docstr--insert-doc-string (docstr--c-style-search-string 1)))) ``` ```swift ///...

### ⚠️ Search for existing issues first ⚠️ - [X] I have searched the existing issues, and there is no existing issue for my problem ### GPT-3 or GPT-4 -...

Consulting chatgpt gives the following tips, but the `append` method is not found in pathkit: ```swift import PathKit let path = Path("/path/to/file.txt") let text = "Hello, PathKit!" do { try...