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Simple Heater vs Convector problem
Thank you for this plugin.
Describe your device
This is a Simple Heater (https://thorbenstore.cl/calefaccion/panel-biocalor-bio400-wifi)
Partial Support?
I`ve make it work, and homebridge is reconizing my heaters. The problem i have is that if i define them as "Simple Heater" they appears in Homekit as "No response", but if i enter to it, i can turn them on and off, but not modify the temperature.
If i define them as "convectors" they work as expected, but they dont turn off... if y pres the i/o buttom, they just go to 0.0º, but not turn off...
Device Schema
When is configured as Simple Heater: (only can use on/off):
[Tuya] Sending BIO PABLO {"1":true} [Tuya] Sending BIO PABLO {"1":true} [Tuya] SimpleHeater changed: {"1":true,"2":22,"4":false,"5":19,"7":0,"8":true}
When is configured as Heater Convector: (i cant turn it on/off... when i press off, it just set 0.0º temperature, bur continue on):
[Tuya] Sending BIO PABLO {"7":true} [Tuya] Sending BIO PABLO {"7":false}
Also when i change the temperature: (work as espected!)
[Tuya] Sending BIO PABLO {"2":28} [Tuya] Sending BIO PABLO {"2":19}
Additional context
how can i get the best of both? y would like to work as a convector, but also i would like them to turn off.
above a picture with convector definition, "turned off", but the equipment is not turned off.
Thank`s in advance for any help.
UPDATE (BIO ESTAR is the same kind that BIO PABLO)
[Tuya] Odd message from BIO ESTAR with command 8: JicIfN1pEMKHK/WREnTLgtUmOhKRS2LOM/cRTFepJS30vDmCk4QDAloTre7N7Wk9cR7W9cOLn6RydEsObDB/BupKk5kliDmU60pMeSIbSew= [Tuya] Raw message from BIO ESTAR (3.1) with command 8: 000055aa00000000000000080000008b00000000332e31303865633139303563636663643462364a696349664e3170454d4b484b2f5752456e544c6774556d4f684b5253324c4f4d2f6352544665704a53333076446d436b345144416c6f547265374e37576b396352375739634f4c6e3652796445734f6244422f4275704b6b356b6c69446d553630704d655349625365773d92819c630000aa55
[Tuya] Sending BIO ESTAR {"7":true} [Tuya] Sending BIO ESTAR {"2":28} [Tuya] Sending BIO ESTAR {"2":21} [Tuya] Sending BIO ESTAR {"2":29} [Tuya] Sending BIO ESTAR {"7":false}
The last "7":false" goes to 0.0º intead of turning off. any way, now not working at all.
If you need more information, please just ask.
If i change "Dp Active" from 7 to 2, the OFF buttom actually works, but when i turn ON, it goes to minimun temperature, not "last" temperature.
Another issue is that the small circle show always 0.0º. Seem that it dosent recognize the actual temperature.
I think this may help @iRayanKhan, and i'll be very grearfull
Ready to handle BIO ESTAR (Convector:3.1) with signature {"1":true,"2":0,"4":false,"5":16,"7":213,"8":false}
Found this in TUYA IoT Platform
i make it work!!
{ "type": "SimpleHeater", "name": "BIO ESTAR", "id": "xxxxxxxx", "key": "xxxxxxxx", "manufacturer": "BIO", "model": "800", "dpActive": 1, "dpDesiredTemperature": 2, "dpCurrentTemperature": 4, "temperatureDivisor": 1 },
Still, theres one bug.... when i try to make an automatization with a desired temperature, homekit goes freeze.
I hace an issue with the small circle show always 0.0º. Seem that it dosent recognize the actual temperature. Any suggestions?
Make your "dpCurrentTemperature": 4 datapoint the correct value, perhaps 5 - looks like the false is causing a 0.
Your suggestion works like charm!