Jonathan Steele

Results 52 comments of Jonathan Steele

Major Code Rewrite. Ktor is very heavily on Coroutines too.

ktor client doesn't have parameters and other related Fuel features.

By according to HTTP Standard, GET should not have request body because it only do query strings. As for upload function, you should use POST methods.

Android's HttpURLConnection is extremely legacy in back to Java 6. OkHttp doesn't have this kind of the feature. in Ktor, It will give warning in

If you really want to test it, ``` allprojects { repositories { maven { url '' } } } dependencies { implementation 'com.github.kittinunf.fuel:fuel:3.x-SNAPSHOT' } ```

It is really coroutine-based HTTP Client with fully async. I can add jackson back. ``` val client = OkHttpClient.Builder() .addNetworkInterceptor { val originalResponse = it.proceed(it.request()) originalResponse.newBuilder() .body(ProgressResponseBody(originalResponse.body!!, progressListener)) .build() }.build()...

Jackson is now added to the 3.x branch.

You wanted Fuel to force TLSv1 in certain url addresses? Sent with GitHawk

@markGilchrist In my opinion, doOutput should be configurable to any developers.

I noticed curl response contained HTTP/2 200. I don't know HttpUrlConnection able to support HTTP/2.