vue-meeting-selector icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-meeting-selector copied to clipboard

This component is inspired from the meeting selector from doctolib with the power of Vuejs components.

This component is inspired from the meeting selector from doctolib with the power of Vuejs components.

Build status Coverage Status



  • required: Vuejs >= 2.6.x


npm install vue-meeting-selector --save
yarn add vue-meeting-selector

Include the file in your app

import VueMeetingSelector from 'vue-meeting-selector';


Issues and PR's are much appreciated. When you create a new PR please make it against the develop branch when adding new features and to the fix branch when fixing small issues instead of master.

Usage and Documentation

Fast exemple

    @previous-date="previousDate" />

import VueMeetingSelector from 'vueMeetingSelector';

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      date: new Date('2020-01-01:01:00'),
      meeting: null,
      loading: false,
      meetingsDays: [],
  methods: {
    getMeetings(date) {
      // methods who return the meetings
    async nextDate() {
      this.loading = true;
      const date = new Date(;
      date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
      this.meetingsDays = await this.getMeetings(date); = date;
      this.loading = false;
    async previousDate() {
      this.loading = true;
      const date = new Date(;
      date.setDate(date.getDate() - 7);
      this.meetingsDays = await this.getMeetings(date); = date;
      this.loading = false;
  async created() {
    this.loading = true;
    this.meetingsDays = await this.getMeetings(;
    this.loading = false;


interface MeetingSlot {
  date: Date | string;
  [key: string]: any;
interface MeetingsDay {
  date: Date | string;
  slots: MeetingSlot[];
  [key: string]: any;
interface ClassNames {
  tabClass?: string,
  tabPaginationleft?: string,
  tabPaginationPreviousButton?: string,
  tabPaginationRight?: string,
  tabPaginationNextButton?: string,
  tabPaginationUpButton?: string,
  tabPaginationDownButton?: string,
  tabDays?: string,
  tabDayDisplay?: string,
  tabMeetings?: string,
  tabMeeting?: string,
  tabMeetingButton?: string,
  tabMeetingEmpty?: string,
  tabLoading?: string,
// defaults value are available in src/defaults/calendarOptions.ts
interface CalendarOptions {
  daysLabel: string[]; // Labels for days in title, start by sunday
  monthsLabel: string[]; // labels for months in title, start by january
  limit: number, // max nb meetings to display on a same column
  loadingLabel: string; // label to display when loading
  disabledDate: Function; // function to disable left button (date is passed as params)


Params Type
v-model MeetingSlot | MeetingSlot[]
date Date | string
meetingsDays MeetingsDays[]
calendarOptions Object
classNames Object
multi boolean
loading boolean


Name Params
meeting-slot-selected MeetingSlot | MeetingSlot[]
meeting-slot-unselected -
change MeetingSlot
next-date -
previous-date -

Slots/ScopedSlots available

To change head of every column, a meetings (MeetingsDay) is passed as slot-scope.

  #header="{ meetings }">
  <div>{{ }}</div>

To change the previous/next button.

<template #button-previous>
<template #button-next>

To change up/down button to change hours of meetings, you will have to trigger methods with refs

<template #button-up="{ isDisabled }">
  #button-down="{ isDisabled }">

export default {
  methods: {
    up() {
      // (this.$refs.meetingSelector as Vue & { previousMeetings: () => void }).previousMeetings();
    down() {
      // (this.$refs.meetingSelector as Vue & { nextMeetings: () => void }).nextMeetings();

To change the display of a meeting. (you will have to manually change the v-model) if the meeting don't have date, it's because the is no meeting. (you will have to handle a different display)

  #meeting="{ meeting }">
  <div>{{ }}</div>

To change the display of loading

  Loading ...

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development component

npm run dev

Compiles and hot-reloads for development doc

npm run doc

Compiles and minifies for production the lib

npm run build:lib

Compiles and minifies for production the doc

npm run build:doc

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.