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Add support for legacy providers
Reimplement all legacy providers:
- [x] ARD (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-ardmediathek)
- [x] RBB (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-ardmediathek)
- [x] ARTE (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-artemediathek)
- [x] NDR (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-ndrmediathek)
- [x] BR (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-brmediathek)
- [x] KIKA (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-kikamediathek)
- [ ] #45
- [x] MDR (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-mdrmediathek)
- [x] WDR (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-wdrmediathek)
- [x] One (previously Einsfestival) (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-ardmediathek)
- [x] SWR (https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-swrmediathek)
Thanks for the effort to integrate the arte mediathek - yet for me it didn't work. In fact also the ard mediathek doesn't work anymore. I deleted the old host file and added the new one. The Download Station now doesn't recognize the embedded videos and ony downloads the html files. Can you check again with the host file on github? Or do you have any idea, why it might not be working for me? Thanks
Thank you for the report. I really missed one part which I can't test without my Synology. I released a new version which should work again.
Perfect, thanks! First Download from arte is running perfectly fine now.
ardmediathek is working, too - at least in general. But this documentation caused an error (Status: Fehler) in the Download Station: http://www.ardmediathek.de/tv/Doku-am-Freitag/Meine-Br%C3%BCder-und-Schwestern-in-Nordkorea/WDR-Fernsehen/Video?bcastId=12877116&documentId=50018574 Btw: can I buy you a beer/ coffee or something as a small appreciation of your work (paypal or something?)
Maybe it is just me - but I can't find the final config file "medithek.host" here. Do I really need to create it locally? :-o
@teilzeitutopist I will have a look at the link and why it doesn't resolve to a video file. As for Beer or similar I will add something to the Readme soon™
@apographon the current release (including the host file) can be found here: https://github.com/iNaD/ds-mediatheken/releases/tag/v0.1.1
Hi @teilzeitutopist with the newly release version 0.1.2 the download should work :tada:
Also added a Donations
section to the Readme file :slightly_smiling_face:
SWR is now supported by the ARD Mediathek, so i will update the legacy project at https://github.com/iNaD/download-station-swrmediathek