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Gifted subs don't work
When I get subs as a gift in the stream it does not work ingame. I can successfully simulate it ingame and it will run.
Follows and channel points rules work ingame and via Twitch directly. I used this to test and many other things too....
I am also a twitch partner... is there maybe a partner bug?
DROP minecraft:stick 2 DISPLAYING %["Test Subscription"]% ON Twitch Subscription WITH gifted IS false
DROP diamond_block 1 DISPLAYING %["Test Gift Subscription"]% ON Twitch Subscription Gift WITH amount = 1 WITH tier = 1
I have also this bug
Me too This is the packet printed in the console. It was triggered by 100 gift subs, but triggers a normal 8-month-sub instead.
// [11:31:57] [EventThread/INFO]: Received Streamlabs packet (subscription-playing, streamlabs) ->
"sub_plan": "1000",
"membershipLevel": null,
"from_display_name": "CuteCrait",
"planName": "",
"type": "subscription",
"variation": 5,
"platform": "twitch_account",
"createdAt": "2021-12-18 10:31:53",
"isSubgiftExpanded": true,
"payload": {},
"sub_type": null,
"subPlan": "1000",
"repeat": false,
"from": "CuteCrait",
"massSubGiftChildAlerts": [],
"amount": "100",
"months": 8,
"read": false,
"gifter": "CuteCrait",
"subscriber_twitch_id": null,
"gifter_display_name": null,
"count": 1,
"priority": 10,
"streak_months": 4,
"message": "This is a test",
"display_name": "CuteCrait",
"createdAtTimestamp": 1639823513849,
"isTest": true,
"emotes": null,
"name": "CuteCrait",
"_id": "655025954fed45a35e0f60f91a5dc4c2",
"benefit_end_month": null,
"hash": "subscription:cutecrait:This is a test",
"membershipLevelName": null
I'm also running into this issue. I'm using StreamElements.
When I receive a gifted sub, it acts as if it's a normal sub in-game. When I run a simulation of a gifted sub, it will act accordingly.
Running TwitchSpawn v1.9.1 on Minecraft 1.16.5
#Summon the Horde FOR ${amount} TIMES SUMMON zombie ~ ~2 ~ %{CustomName:"\"§6§l${actor}'s Army\"", CustomNameVisible:1, ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{Count:1,id:golden_helmet}]}% DISPLAYING %[{text:"and brought some friends!!!"}]% On Twitch Subscription Gift
i have the same bug. ts sees a single gift sub but fails to activate on multi gift subs from the same person this is in 1.16 and 1.18 so far
we need to get this bug fixed!
i have the same bug. ts sees a single gift sub but fails to activate on multi gift subs from the same person this is in 1.16 and 1.18 so far
more testing and it doesn't seam to see this WITH gifted IS false or WITH gifted IS true