minimal-http-server copied to clipboard
Basic http server
Minimal HTTP server
Minimal multi-platform, Windows and Linux, implementation of a light HTTP server in C.
- Accepts GET petitions
- Multi-platform (Windows and Linux [easy to add a new ones by providing the services layer])
- Multi-threaded user request (making use of the thread pool, twice as thread as hardware threads)
Folders structure
|-> platform.h Operating system services (abstraction layer)
|-> functions.h Main entry point for the user request
|-> functions.c Contains all the implementation needed to process the user request
|-> headers.h Minimal HTTP headers used by the server (200, 400, 500, etc)
|-> headers.c Implementation of the HTTP headers
|-> linux
|-> build Build script (it uses gcc)
|-> build.c Unity build file
|-> server.c Program entry point and abstraction layer definition
|-> win32
|-> build.bat Build script (cl.exe has to be loaded [vcvars.bat])
|-> build.c Unity build file
|-> server.c Program entry point and abstraction layer definition
How to build
[win32] mkdir c:\webserver\src\
[win32] cd c:\webserver\src\
[linux] mkdir -p /home/<user>/webserver/src/
[linux] cd /home/<user>/webserver/src/
git clone .
[win32] cd win32
[win32] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
[win32] .\build.bat --build-type=Release (or Debug)
[linux] cd linux
[linux] sh ./ --build-type=Release (or Debug)
* the output it will be found ../../bin (c:\webserver\bin or /home/<user>/webserver/bin)
* you can use whatever path you want this are just an example