react-native-parallax-scroll-view copied to clipboard
renderBackground touchable
I put image slider to rederBackground but it seems renderBackground isn't touchable part of ParallaxScrollView How can i fix it ? Thx
Could be great, someone has an idea ?
Any body has any update on this? I have some stats in bg, which I want to clickable...
The same problem with renderForeground
I put the component with TouchableOpacity to be rendered in the renderForeground or renderBackground props of the component. They can't be clicked. How to solve it?
The same here... If I render sticky header It covers the button which I have in the foreground and it isn't clickable ( you can click on it when sticky header appears ... zIndex doesn't help)
the same problem any solution ?
same problem :(((
The same here... If I render sticky header It covers the button which I have in the foreground and it isn't clickable ( you can click on it when sticky header appears ... zIndex doesn't help)
I was able to solve the problem using the onChangeHeaderVisibility method and changing the stickyHeaderHeight.
onChangeHeaderVisibility={(visible: boolean) => { this.setState({ visibleHeader: visible }); }} stickyHeaderHeight={!this.state.visibleHeader ? 100 : 1}
@matheussblima thanks your solution worked for me +1