I've got pulsetime 5 (0.5 sec, switchmode 0, switchTopic 0) and for me it currently works just fine (on master branch): I click the switch - it stays on for...
I’ve used a well-known NSSM.exe to create a win32-service without any issues. https://nssm.cc
Hm.. is there a happy Windows ending? I'm using \\\ in log path just fine, but the log file is neither created nor written to. When created manually, empty log...
Actually nowadays I use HAA Manager.app, which can invoke the same, without flooding accessories with extra switch items: https://apps.apple.com/app/haa-home-manager-for-homekit/id1556105121
I checked [Developing section](https://github.com/wvengen/unifi-controllable-switch/blob/master/README_DEVEL.md#unifi-controller-log-level), yet some of the packages listed above are still currently required, but not listed in the article.
Updating on all HomeBridge devices means one of them didn’t report in time. I hope you don’t have other devices identically named “Sonoff” or with same IP :) Please,...