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Dialogs sometimes cut off in Google Earth Pro

Open jidanni opened this issue 11 months ago • 1 comments


  • [X] Yes, I'm using the latest major release or the current development version. These are the only supported versions.
  • [X] Yes, I've searched similar issues and discussions on GitHub and didn't find any.

Current Behavior

Sometimes dialogs are cut off so we cannot get to the Apply and OK buttons at the bottom.

Expected Behavior

Just a few minutes ago I changed an option in Google Earth Pro. Now when I want to change it back, the Apply and OK buttons are chopped off, unreachable.

Reproduction Instructions

  1. Open Google Earth Pro.
  2. Make sure sidebar is retracted.
  3. Click Tools > Options (full dialog seen)
  4. ESC (closes Options)
  5. Click Tools > Options (chopped off dialog seen)

Now close Google Earth Pro and open it again. Make sure sidebar is extended this time. Repeating the steps... and, Bug not seen!

Also the rescue for the chopped off dialog is:

  1. ESC to close the dialog.
  2. Open the sidebar
  3. Click Tools > Options (full dialog seen, thank goodness)

i3 version

Binary i3 version:  4.23 (2023-10-29) © 2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors
Running i3 version: 4.23 (2023-10-29) (pid 1140)
Loaded i3 config:
  /home/jidanni/.config/i3/config (main) (last modified: 2024年02月04日 (週日) 12時18分05秒, 4230466 seconds ago)

The i3 binary you just called: /usr/bin/i3
The i3 binary you are running: i3

On Debian.

Config file

workspace_layout tabbed
focus_on_window_activation focus
exec_always alttab -w 1 -d 1

set $mod Mod1

bindsym $mod+Up focus left
bindsym $mod+Down focus right
bindsym $mod+VoidSymbol workspace prev

font pango:monospace 16
bindsym $mod+1 workspace number 1: SU
bindsym $mod+2 workspace number 2: uxterm
bindsym $mod+3 workspace number 3: Emacs
bindsym $mod+4 workspace number 4: $BROWSER
bindsym $mod+6 workspace number 6: FF
assign [title="^SU$"] number "1: SU"
assign [title="^uxterm$"] number "2: uxterm"
assign [class="^Emacs$"] number "3: Emacs"
assign [class="FF"] number "6: FF"
for_window [class="^Google-chrome-"] move to workspace number "4: $BROWSER"
for_window [class="^Firefox$"] move to workspace number "6: FF"

bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
bar {
    # See ~/.i3status.conf
    separator_symbol "     "
    status_command i3status
    workspace_min_width 200
    colors {
        inactive_workspace #900000 #000000 #009000
floating_maximum_size 1000 x 500

bindsym $mod+7 workspace number 7: Viking
assign [class="Viking"] number "7: Viking"
for_window [class="^Viking$"] move to workspace number "7: Viking"

bindsym $mod+8 workspace number 8: Gnumeric
assign [class="Gnumeric"] number "8: Gnumeric"
for_window [class="^Gnumeric$"] move to workspace number "8: Gnumeric"

bindsym $mod+9 workspace number 9: GEP
assign [class="Google Earth Pro"] number "9: GEP"
for_window [class="^Google Earth Pro$"] move to workspace number "9: GEP"

bindsym $mod+0 workspace number 0: QGIS
assign [class="QGIS3"] number "0: QGIS"
for_window [class="QGIS3"] move to workspace number "0: QGIS"

Linux distribution & Version

Debian sid

Are you using a compositor?

I am sure I don't run any compositor


No response



Wait. Other dialogs get cut off, even with the sidebar present.


There is no telling when one will be able to reach any "OK", "Submit" buttons at the bottom of any of these!

jidanni avatar Mar 24 '24 03:03 jidanni

I don’t see a link to logs.i3wm.org. Did you follow https://i3wm.org/docs/debugging.html? (In case you actually provided a link to a logfile, please ignore me.)

i3bot avatar Mar 24 '24 03:03 i3bot