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Async Python MTProto Proxy
A fully OOP Asynchronous Python 3 MT-Proto proxy
- Easy to use: you can easily use it
- Lightweight less resources as possible but not by losing maintainability.
- Fully-asynchronous: it runs asynchronously
- High-performance: processes a lot of connections
- Block-Mode Protection from replay attacks used to detect proxies in some countries
To install last stable release from pypi:
$ pip3 install mtproxy
or with uvloop as extra requirement (recommended):
$ pip3 install mtproxy[fast]
uvloop makes asyncio fast.
To launch with custom config
# config.ini
#proxy settings
# port = 8585
## The Port that Proxy listening to. 8585 by default
# fast_mode = ture
# true by deaultif True, disables telegram to client traffic re-encryption, faster but less secure.
# prefer_ipv6 = ture
# if IPv6 available, use it by default.
# secure_only = false
# Don't allow to connect in not-secure mode. false by default
# listen_addr_ipv4 =
# Listen address for IPv4. '' by default
# listen_addr_ipv6 = ::
# Listen address for IPv6 by default
# client_handshake_timeout = 10
# Drop client after this timeout if the handshake fail, 10 by default
# client_keepalive = 600
# Keep alive period for clients in secs, 600 by default.
# client_ack_timeout = 300
# if client doesn't confirm data for this number of seconds, it is dropped, 300 by default.
# server_connect_timeout = 10
# Telegram servers connect timeout in seconds, 10 by default/.
# to_client_buffer_size = 131072
# Max socket buffer size to the client direction, the more the faster, but more RAM hungry, 131072 by default.
# to_server_buffer_size = 65536
# Max socket buffer size to the telegram servers direction, 65536 by default.
# block_mode = true
# Drop client if first packet is bad, true by default.
# reply_check_length =
# Length of used handshake randoms for active fingerprinting protection, 32768 by default.
# ipv4 =
# IPv4 address to show data, if Ignored, will be Obtained.
# ipv6 =
# IPv6 address to show data, if Ignored, will be Obtained.
# proxy users section.
# name_of_user = proxy_secret_key
HemMm = 7e7ee7be6b40378e593c36433294b03c
launch proxy:
mtproxy config.ini