
Results 27 issues of hzqst

![AZ2RZBNG)2IBZ}_W%%~Y)HX](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12287588/233819418-07c17693-7dc5-4061-bac3-5c093078c2b1.png) along with VGUI2 dialog to manage the custom resources.

``` var decodeStream = msgpack.createDecodeStream(); stream.pipe(decodeStream).on('data', function(data){ console.log(data); }).on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); }).on("end", function(){ }); ``` when you push invalid data into stream that is not the regular msgpack format,...

The memory consumption went 25 ~ 30MB per 50000 events when commented `CallStack(ba);` in `bool CMonitorWorker::ParseMessage(PUCHAR data)`, while it went 50 ~ 60MB per 50000 events when CallStack is recorded....

CBaseUI_CallEngineSurfaceWndProc for non-SDL2 and CBaseUI_CallEngineSurfaceAppHandler for SDL2