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Lightweight evil configuration for Emacs

Spacelite (minimal yet functional emacs)

Spacelite is just a minimal evil + emacs configuration with following:

  • evil with evil-escape, evil-iedit
  • use-package for dependencies
  • spacemacs like leader key(space by default) bindings.
  • helm with helm-ag, helm-projectile
  • projectile with recentf,
  • undo-tree
  • flyspell for spellchecking
  • diminish for clean status line
  • magit with evil-magit
  • some simple MacOs keybindings (only enabled in OSX/emacs)
  • which-key for shortcut help
  • solarized-dark theme
  • highlight-parentheses, evil-anzu, restart-emacs, emacs-shell etc.
  • scala support with cutting edge ensime (you can(should if you are not using ensime snapshot builds already) disable this in init.el)
  • a ligh but useful modeline with spaceline.

All of above with proper(for me) evil(-like) key bindings.

Note: This "thing" is my personal configuration that I use at work and personal life; only tested on a Macbook Pro running MacOS Sierra.


git clone ~/.emacs.d


There is spacemacs as we all know. But for me it comes with too much unnecessary packages. Also I don't like the concept of layers as it doesn't feels flexible enough. Also this can be a start point for people who wants to start with emacs and evil.


Scala ELisp


If you use this configuration and want to improve just open a issue and/or a pull request.

What is missing?

This is just a list that I want to implement in near feature.

  • Spacemacs like toggles
  • Optimization on package loading. There may be some packages needs to be deferred.
  • Generic goto defination like Spacemacs. (I want to be able to use this configuration for multiple programming languages at the same time.)
  • ~~Spaceline~~


The license is GPLv3. Note that Spacelite is heavily inspired from Spacemacs. Can even contain nearly identical code from it.