Hyun Sik Yoon (Eric Yoon)
Hyun Sik Yoon (Eric Yoon)
## one-optimizer options Study result: ### Format - Optimization pass name - model type dependency - backend dependency - related links Let's start from https://github.com/Samsung/ONE/blob/e5c70608a0ccbef4a5245767b62d8423eadb60ce/compiler/circle2circle/src/Circle2Circle.cpp#L382 ### Optimization passes - `FoldAddV2`,...
- Lenged - `-`: don't care - `o`: should be default - `x`: should NOT be default option | onnx | tflite | ONERT | npu ------|-----|-----|------|------ FusePreActivationBatchNorm | x...
Some thought: - CLI could be something like the following: - `$ one-init a.tflite --model_type=tflite --backend=npu` - `--model_type` is optional - when model type is onnx with image input, two...
@jinevening Thanks. Table was updated.
Let's dig into import options now. ## import options ### one-import-tflite - input path and output path is all we need. they can be default options. ```shell $ ./one-import-tflite -h...
## one-quantize - one-quantize provides default options (e.g., `--input_dtype float32`, `--quantized_dtype uint8`, `--granularity layer`, `--input_type quantized_dtype`, `--output_type quantized_dtype`, `--min_percentile 1.0`, `--max_percentile 99.0`, `--mode percentile`) - can we use these as...
discussed with @lemmaa and @seanshpark ## How to handle option that is dependent on backend - option 1. - use data file that contains backend-specific default option - with cfg...
## `one-init` Let's design CLI. I added an option into CLI if - the option does not have any default value - without the option, compilation fails ``` $ /usr/share/one/bin/one-init...
### Discussion with @seanshpark 1. args for onnx only - args originated for onnx model are better _NOT_ to included for, e.g., tflite model compilation because - adding more args...
> args originated for onnx model are better NOT to included for, e.g., tflite model compilation Let's list onnx-only args. These will be removed when model is not onnx. ###...