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Verbose mode
I am running some expensive models, which take a while to sample. I would like to be able to see the progress (n_sims). Is there a way to add a progress bar or at least some way of seeing how many datasets have been distributed to workers?
Cmdstanpy supports progress bars e.g. below (perhaps using tqdm library), but it shows the progress within one n_sim
(chains and samplings), not n_sim
progress bars. Moreover, I'm not sure it's possible within R.
@martinmodrak, @Dashadower, @paul-buerkner and I are having a meeting for R-Python connection with inferencedata next week and I will put this on our agenda. Thanks for bringing this up!
uses future_lapply
from the future.apply
package to run the fits. It appears (I didn't test it) that future.apply
integrates well with progressr
to show progress - see for discussion and example.
EDIT: Sorry this is wrong - future.apply
does not directly support progressr
, we need to add some additional support for this manually - keeping the link to have a starting point.
furrr supports progressr. Here's what I use:
#' Run a function on each element of a list in parallel
#' This function runs a protopipe on each entry in a list
#' @param .x List of inputs
#' @param .f Function to run on each element in `.x`
#' @param ... Optional arguments to .f
#' @param .furrr_options Result of a call to `furrr::furrr_options()`
#' @param .strategy A strategy to be used as input to future::plan(); default is parallel and cores set to number of physical cores
#' @return A list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
# ' map_parallel(
# ' .x = my_input_list
# ' , .f = my_function
# ' , named_arg = an_argument_to_my_function
# ' , .furrr_options = furrr::furrr_options(
# ' # example options; "clean-slate" scenario
# ' stdout = F
# ' , globals = F
# ' , packages='tidyverse'
# ' , scheduling = Inf
# ' )
# ' )
#' }
map_parallel = function(
.x # list over which to iteratively apply f
, .f #function to apply to each element of .x
, ... # arguments passed to .f
, .furrr_options = furrr::furrr_options()
, .strategy = future::multisession(workers=parallel::detectCores()/2-1)
.ff <- .f
.f <- function(.x,.ff,...,pb){
pb <- progressr::progressor(along = .x)
y <- furrr::future_map(
.x = .x
, .f = .f
, .ff = .ff
, ...
, pb = pb
, .options = furrr_options
, .progress = FALSE