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why mnemonic keywords are different?
When I use mnemonic keywords generated by web3j in Metamask, it's different. And it's also different from web3.swift library. web3.swift library and metamask works together but Web3j doesnt work...how do i fix it?
This is to do with the configuration of how the mnemonic is used. I am no expert in this area - can you provide sample input and output for web3j and web3.swift library and I will try to reproduce.
Facing the same problem, metamask seed phrase gives a different account,any help here??
Bip32ECKeyPair masterKeypair = Bip32ECKeyPair.generateKeyPair(MnemonicUtils.generateSeed("XXXXXXX", null));
int[] path = {44 | HARDENED_BIT, 60 | HARDENED_BIT, 0 | HARDENED_BIT, 0,0};
Bip32ECKeyPair x = Bip32ECKeyPair.deriveKeyPair(masterKeypair, path);
Credentials credentials = Credentials.create(x);
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could make this more obviously configurable.
very well
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