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Hyperledger Fabric Kubernetes Operator
With minikube environment, I got the following error: error: timed out waiting for the condition on pods/ingress-nginx-controller-7587b7f44c-7rfxc The ingress-nginx-controller pod is blocked with the following error: Warning FailedScheduling 26m (x140...
The operator [sample-network](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/fabric-operator/tree/main/sample-network) uses an odd mix of bash scripting and kustomization overlays to realize a Fabric network compatible with the [fabric-samples](https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples) chaincode and gateway applications. CRDs are applied to...
With Fabric 2.4, the Gateway Client feature allows an application developer to connect to a Gateway Peer, or proxy, to the ledger. Behind the scenes, the gateway peer will dispatch...
The ginkgo based integration tests do a decent job of testing the internal mechanics of the operator. But they do NOT provide 100% coverage of the overall system as a...
The "installation" of fabric-operator to a Kubernetes cluster involves little more than the registration of the operator CRD types to the Kube API controller. Highlight this feature by installing the...
Hi team, ref to https://sdk.operatorframework.io/docs/building-operators/golang/tutorial/#2-run-as-a-deployment-inside-the-cluster I am plan to use `make deploy` to deploy some local change on a kind cluster (started with `./network kind`) but an error occurs as...
[performancesandbox](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/PerformanceSandBox) now ref to fabric-network-k8s as implementation for deploy SUT on k8s, are we considering to use fabric-operator to deploy SUT in performancesandbox?
I deployed the orderers before the hosted zone started resolving. The operator didn't attempt to resolve the DNS domain and the orderers were stuck in a failing state: ``` message:...
@jkneubuh could you please double confirm if current operator project supports @davidkel's question in performance sandbox as David and I discussed at https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/PerformanceSandBox/issues/63
Access to the CA configuration allows users to see the usernames and passwords of all identities within the CA, specifically the bootstrap admin identity. While it is necessary to store...