hyperscript copied to clipboard
Good intention, but have to forward with template literals
I think ES6 has a good evolution too, so why not implementing template literals?
Sounds like you want hyperx which can work alongside and with hyperscript.
Speaking for myself: If the markup will be primarily created by JS developers then I strongly prefer not using strings. Strings might be advantageous if the markup will be written by non-JS developers such as designers, UX, or CSS front end developers. Enclosing markup in a string sidesteps (or makes harder) all the programmatic advantages that come with generating individual elements via a direct JavaScript function -- syntax highlighting and parens balancing in my editor, linting, type checking, function composition, complex object/array spreading, and generating/combining arrays of elements via map/filter/reduce. Although the HTML syntax might be more familiar inside a string that's a temporary and small barrier to entry.
tl;dr: Choose whatever is best for the team doing the actual work. :-)
@whiteinge Not sure about your editor, but mine has a Template literal editor: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=plievone.vscode-template-literal-editor
- thnx the direction toward hyperx by the way
I had the same thought about using templates, and decided to try out the same wrapper idea on the "emmet" thread and made my own: https://github.com/nclu/template-literal-hyperscript
h1.classy ${{style: {'background-color': '#22f'}}}h
div#menu${{style: {'background-color': '#2f2'}}}
li one
li two
li three
h2 ${{style: {'background-color': '#f22'}}}content title
$so it's just like a templating engine,${'\n'}
$but easy to use inline with javascript
$the intention is for this to be used to create${'\n'}
$reusable, interactive html widgets.`