I'm working on getting this to build on Debian. I have it working to the point where it ends the 03-mkiso with an error, the rest seems to build. You...
I do have it working now, with 2 workarounds. I should have the site up and a tutorial ready by Friday.
I built a iso today and was able to test it in Virtualbox. I do want to test again without the symlinks, I saw you made a change so I...
So I ran a total of 12 tests using Debian 10 on 3 diffrent boxes. I have setup a quick tutorial on how I do this using Debian 10 as...
I think sticking to PHP and if there are a few that want RUST then fork it into a next generation. That's the way I'd go and see if the...
SalixOS 15 works out of the box.