react-native-audio-recorder-player copied to clipboard
Facing issue of Recording file not created
I am new in react native I have used react-native-audio-recorder-player library with 3.5.3 But I am facing issue if I don't follow this step In XCode, in the project navigator, right click Libraries ➜ Add Files to [your project's name] Go to node_modules ➜ react-native-audio-recorder-player and add RNAudioRecorderPlayer.xcodeproj In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNAudioRecorderPlayer.a to your project's Build Phases ➜ Link Binary With Libraries then recorded file not created but if I follow above step then I am facing issue of React/RCTBridgeModule.h file not found.
Version of react-native-audio-recorder-player
Version of React Native
Platforms you faced the error (IOS)
Expected behavior
Actual behavior
Steps to reproduce the behabior
@hyochan facing same issue. Can you help please?
just read the documentation,
Step 1 find library folder
Step 2 right click, "Add file to YOUR_PROJECT_NAME"
Step 3 navigatate to ur project directory, then node_modules -> react-native-audio-recorder-plauyer -> ios -> RNAudioRecorderPlayer.xcodeproj, and click add
Step 4 go to project settings -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libaries -> Click +
Step 5 selet .a file and click add
Step 6 create any swift file
Name it as u want
Step 7 after creating swift file xcode will automatically ask u to create header bridging file, u need to to click YES(or smth like this)
Step 8
do post install written in library description(it is needed to grant microphone permission to app)
DONE after doing these steps u can remove .swift file