rss-to-bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rss-to-bot copied to clipboard

send your rss feed to telegram bot

rss to bot

send feeds to bot

Use Github Action to send your RSS feeds to Telegram bots.


  1. Click Use this template to generate your own repository
  2. Creat a new gist which should includes feeds.txt and sent.json
    1. Here is a gist example.
  3. Settings->Secrets->Actions->New repository secrets to create:
    1. Telegram's robot token TG_TOKEN
    2. The id TG_CHAT_ID of your conversation with the bot
    3. The time zone you are in TIMEZONE. For example Asia/Shanghai
    4. GIST_ID used to store your feeds.txt and sent.json files
    5. GIST_TOKEN is used to update the gist, Generate


How to get TG_CHAT_ID

You can run the following code locally, then send /start to the robot.

const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api')

const token = 'xxxxx'
const bot = new TelegramBot(token, { polling: true })
let chatId = null

bot.onText(/\/start/, (msg) => {
  chatId =
  console.log('chatId:', chatId)
  bot.sendMessage(chatId, chatId)

How to modify the frequency of sending subscriptions

Edit the content of - cron: '0 7,12,17,22 * * *' in the .github/workflows/main.yml file, the default meaning is that it will be executed at 7,12,17,22 o'clock every day.