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Vim files and plugins for Hy


A syntax file for Hy.

Requires a Vim built with Python support and Hy installed so that Vim can load it. You can verify this with

:python import hy

which should not show an error.


If you are using Plug, add this to your plugins list in .vimrc:

Plug 'hylang/vim-hy'

Otherwise, install using whatever vim plugin approach you prefer.

Conceal support

Use let g:hy_enable_conceal = 1 to enable support for concealing some constructs with unicode glyphs. If this option is enabled, this

(defn something [alpha beta]
  (sum (xi + x1 alpha) (range beta)))

will be displayed like this

(ƒ something [α β]
  (∑ (x¡ + x₁ α) (range β)))

The full table of concealed symbols looks like this:

Symbol Display Symbol Display Symbol Display
fn λ and <=
lambda λ or >=
defn ƒ not ¬ !=
defn/a ƒa fn/a λa lfor s∀
sfor s∀ dfor d∀ gfor g∀
* -> None
math.sqrt ->> math.pi π
sum for some
in alpha α gamma γ
not-in beta β delta δ
epsilon ε xi #%
x[0-9] x₀ - x₉

If you do let g:hy_conceal_fancy=1, xi and #% are displayed as ξ.