no-graph icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
no-graph copied to clipboard

no-graph is a graph view for notion


The current implementation isn't in the right direction. ~I'm considering refacotring it using official API~, I'm considering rebuilding, but it takes time.

There's others project related to notion I'm developing now


no-graph lets you see the connections between pages by Relationship Chart

no-graph 让你可以通过关系图的方式来查看页面之间的联系



no-graph 没有使用第三方的 API 代理,而是通过在 Notion 页面内注入 JS 后,直接请求官方的 API 地址,你的数据只会经过官方服务器和本地存储,不会经手第三方。

Instead of using third-party API proxies, no-graph requests the official API address directly by injecting JS inside the Notion page, so your data only goes through the official servers and local storage, not through third parties.


  • [x] pages
  • [ ] database
  • [ ] backlinks


  1. Install tampermonkey

~2. Install script using greasyfork(deprecated)~

  1. Install script locally
  • click add new script in tampermonkey extension
  • copy-paste these codes
  1. Open notion
  2. Click the checkbox in the upper left corner to turn on no-graph