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[Feat req] Many pattern sequences in one song
What if one .h2song file could contain different pattern sequences? User would select the one to be played and shown in pattern sequence editor.
I thought about this as well. Especially for long songs things do get quickly quite confusing.
I'm not sure how such a pattern sequence view could be integrate into the GUI of Hydrogen. In order to not overload the interface one would probably have to introduce tab windows, like the Non Sequencer. But this may not be the most convenient way to deal with it. Do you know some good example programs already implementing this or do you have any UI design in mind?
what about something like it?
On click:
Ardour has a feature like this (right click on track -> New Playlist)
Hmm. If there is no separate view to construct a song from different pattern sequences, I do not get the benefit. What's the difference compared to having separate song instead of pattern sequences?
What's the difference compared to having separate song instead of pattern sequences
Little difference, you should not have two files with the same patterns...
I thought to a more valid reason to have multiple sequences: playing all them together. This would allow to overlap patterns with different length creating polyrhythms (simple example: accents every 3 quarter notes in a 4/4 meter) without writing down all the loop (in previous example: loop period = 3 quarter notes * 4 = 3 bars of 4/4).
It would be useful a new window to see all the pattern sequences each on a separate line like multi tracks in a daw: