attic icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
attic copied to clipboard

A collection of personal tiny tools - mirror of

The Attic

This repository hosts various small personal tools.

  • all-clipboard: list clipboard data on stdout
  • altlines: mark every 2 lines with color
  • args2csv: output one CSV row with arguments as cells
  • ascetic: set rlimit and exec command
  • boxuni: convert ASCII-art boxes into Unicode-art boxes
  • catsponge: like cat(1) but soaks stdin and waits that stdin reaches EOF
  • cheapthrottle: throttling a process by sending it SIGSTOP/SIGCONT repeatedly
  • clipsync:
  • coordapp: always-on-top window that shows the mouse cursor coordinates
  • count-unsorted: like uniq -c but not requiring sorted input
  • crc: basic CRC computation tool
  • csv2json: transform CSV into JSON
  • csv2table: pretty-print a CSV file with ASCII-art table
  • dpkg-imediff: when dpkg interactively prompts for resolving a config file conflict, run this to start a merge editor
  • elidelong: command-line filter to elide long lines
  • exiforientergui: GUI to losslessly modify EXIF orientation of an image
  • ffmcut: ffmpeg wrapper to cut a video between 2 timestamps
  • firefox-relay-tools/fxrelay-add: add a Firefox Relay address
  • firefox-relay-tools/fxrelay-delete: delete a Firefox Relay address
  • firefox-relay-tools/fxrelay-list: list Firefox Relay addresses
  • firefox-relay-tools/fxrelay-set-block: control Firefox Relay mail blocking level
  • first-avail-command: run the first command (in a list) which is installed
  • fix-broken-links-by-name: fix broken symlinks if target file changed dir but not name
  • flatten-json: flatten a deep json tree in a single json or reverse operation
  • fonts2png: render TTF fonts samples to image files
  • gen-indexhtml: create an index.html listing all files in dir
  • git: misc git utilities
  • gotify-tools/gotify-push: command-line tool for pushing a gotify notification (and a shell implementation)
  • gotify-tools/gotify-read: command-line tool for listing/reading gotify notifications
  • group-lines: group stdin lines by a regular expression pattern
  • group-files-by-mtime: take files in a dir and move them to folders for each last modification time
  • hardlinks-to-csv: list files (and inodes) with more than 1 hardlink as CSV
  • headset-bluez: enable a bluetooth headset and out or in/out mode
  • hexgen: generate data from an hex dump
  • hibp: check if a password has been leaked on "Have I Been Pwned?" site (by checking hash prefix)
  • httpshare: share a directory via HTTP, like Python "http.server" but supports "Range" headers
  • image2xterm: display an image on console using terminal RGB24 mode or 256 colors
  • ini2json: convert INI to JSON
  • itertools: CLI tool for computing permutations and combinations of text
  • json2csv: transform a JSON list of objects into a CSV file
  • json2sqlite: insert JSON data in SQLite
  • json2table: pretty-print a JSON list of objects in an ASCII-art table
  • json2toml: convert JSON to TOML
  • json2yml: convert JSON to YAML
  • json-elide-strings: elide too long strings in JSON data
  • keepassxprint: dump info and passwords from a KeePassX database
  • lch-color-chooser: CIE LCh color chooser and RGB converter
  • links2markdown: fetch title of links in a text file and replace to build Markdown links
  • log-snippet: parse compilation-log and show snippets of files with context
  • log-ts-diff: parse log and replace timestamps with diff to previous timestamp
  • mediadims: get audio/video duration or video width/height of a file with mediainfo
  • morse: text from/to Morse code converter, and optional beep player
  • morsehtml: HTML page with its background flashing a Morse code message
  • moversleep: move incoming files from a dir into another
  • multiman: open your web browser to manual pages from various OSes
  • mv-with-thumb: like mv, but also moves XDG thumbnails
  • no-utf8-bom: just remove pointless UTF-8 BOM from stdin or files
  • pass-ls-entries: list pass(1) entries in find(1) format, not tree(1) format
  • password-prompt: simply prompt a password on tty and then print it
  • pdf-watermark: watermark a chosen message on a PDF
  • pvrun: run a command and show its I/O progress with pv(1)
  • pyliteral-to-json: read a python literal dict/list/string and convert to JSON
  • py-subclasses: show found subclasses of a class
  • pyprio: show operators priorities of a python expression
  • pyqt5-to-pyqt6: dumb port a file from PyQt5 to PyQt6
  • qgifview: very basic GIF image viewer
  • qpeep: window covering with a hole following the cursor
  • qr2unicode: display QR-codes on console using Unicode box-drawing characters
  • qr-shot: decode a QR code image from part of the screen
  • qruler: tool window that measures width and height in pixels
  • qunpak: extract Quake I and II .pak files
  • r2w_plugins: 2 rest2web plugins
  • radiodump: circular buffer and dump to file
  • random-line: take a random line from stdin
  • realign-text-table: takes a malformed ASCII-drawn table and redraw borders properly
  • delete your own gitlab comments on issues/MRs/etc.
  • redact messages in a Matrix room of all users or a specific user (resumable)
  • redmine2ical: convert Redmine’s timesheet to iCalendar format
  • replace-cased-names: replace a string in files retaining the original snake_case/camelCase/etc.
  • screen-run-dir: start GNU screen and run given commands in separate windows
  • screen-msg: 2 tools for setting screen(1) messages (hardstatus or transient messages)
  • set-cachedir: basic tool to create CACHEDIR.TAG files (prevent a folder from being backed up)
  • show-args: just show args, one per line
  • sort-with-numbers: sort stdin like sort(1) but sorts numbers
  • sqlite-insert-fill: 2 tools for inserting rows and updating others
  • ssh-tools/ssh-fingerprint-current-host: show fingerprint of current host ssh server key
  • ssh-tools/ssh-known-fingerprint: show fingerprint of an already known host
  • stickimage: display an image always-on-top like a sticky note
  • stfu: fire and forget a command, run in background, discard stdout/stderr
  • supybot-shell: Supybot plugin: execute shell commands and see their output
  • su-with-args: calls su(1) but uses arguments properly
  • table-add-border: add a border to borderless Go tables
  • tailsleep: like tail -f but quits when I/O activity stops
  • toml2json: convert TOML to JSON
  • trim-trailing-whitespace: remove spaces, tabs and alike at end of each line
  • uniq-unsorted: like uniq(1) but does not require lines to be sorted
  • univisible: tweak Unicode combinations and visualize them
  • urlunquote: unquote text using URL quoting rules
  • vhd: visual hex dump, splitting at newlines, not fixed-width lines
  • vncconfig-show: show VNC server options with vncconfig(1)
  • vtt-to-srt: convert VTT file to SRT format
  • wakeonwan: wake remote machines with Wake-on-WAN
  • wallpaper-curtain: show an image with low-opacity on top of other windows
  • with-same-shebang: run a command with the same interpreter as another command
  • xattrs-csv: print a CSV of selected xattrs of selected files
  • xattrs-filter: filter a file list based on whether xattrs have desired values
  • xattrs-set: set/unset xattrs on files with a nice command-line syntax
  • xbel-add: add a path to "recently used" files in GTK/Qt file chooser
  • xephyr-run-cmd: run a Xephyr server and run a command in it (like xvfb-run)
  • yml2json: basic convert YAML to JSON
  • yt-dlp-template-vars: outputs yt-dlp templating variables for a URL
  • zeropipe: wrapper for other programs which can take NULL-separated lines
  • zlib-uncompress: uncompress stdin with raw zlib (not gzip)

For more info, see also:


All code in this repository is licensed under the WTFPLv2. See COPYING.WTFPL.