Haowei Hsu

Results 126 issues of Haowei Hsu

I noticed that GLEW puts its `CMakeLists.txt` into `build/cmake` directory instead of root directory. However, `CMakeLists.txt` is put into the root directory of CMake-based projects **BY CONVENTION**.

Add the following arguments of [`conan install`](https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/reference/commands/consumer/install.html) command: - `--conf` - `--conf:host` - `--conf:build` for `conan_cmake_install()` function.

Recently, I found that Conan decided to deprecate "[cmake-conan](https://github.com/conan-io/cmake-conan)" in Conan 2.X. For example, in this [article](https://blog.conan.io/2022/09/28/upgrading-recipes-to-1.51.html) of the blog: > The biggest drawback is you need to call `conan...

Add `_get_conan_version()` function to aquire the current Conan version. Since some of `settings` are introduced in Conan 2.X but not in Conan 1.X or some of them are deprecated in...

### Feature Request - When we press **"Ctrl+Shift+P"** and type **"Qt"** in Command Palette, it shows some options, including: - **Qt: Launch Qt Designer** - **Qt: Launch Qt Creator** -...

I translate the followings in **"zh-tw(cht)"** locale. ### Command - **Scan for Qt Kit**: 掃描 Qt 套件 - **Launch Qt Creator**: 啟動 Qt Creator - **Launch Qt Designer**: 啟動 Qt...

## Problem to solve According to the `README.md`, it looks like `qt-tools` only supports `${buildType}`, `${buildKit}`, and `${workspaceFolder}` now. If we use another Variable Substitution in `cmake.buildDirectory`, the bottom status...

### Problem to solve @tonka3000 About what you said in this [reply](https://github.com/tonka3000/vscode-qt-tools/issues/71#issuecomment-1074388282), > For dev scenario it would be better to inject the PATH variable automatically into `launch.json`. There is...

### Problem to solve For example, after building an executable depended upon Qt on Windows, here is a problem I usually face. If I don't put the `bin` directory of...

Excuse me, I want to verify the mechanism of `"qttools.searchMode": "cmake"`. Here is my opinion: 1. If we use `find_package(Qt6)` or `find_package(Qt5)` in `CMakeLists.txt`, then the **Cache Variable `Qt6_DIR` or...