Haider Alwasiti
Haider Alwasiti
ive noticed sometimes NHM will be stuck on one algorithm and not change even though its mining an algorithm that isnt the most profitable. I am using the latest version...
When copied the name of the shelf from GR and pasted in Bash, for some reason Bash will truncate the last letter and the code get the name wrong. However,...
Is there any way to bulk input the links + their tags? Like a csv file that has 1st column links and 2nd column tags.
Pasting links with tags now is possible too. After each link add a space and hashtag sign '#' followed by one or more tags (comma separated). If no tags needed...
Is adding titles for the links even possible in the Pocket API? I have tried adding title for a parsed link, and pocket will make the title for the link...
After the first text generation, how would one continue to generate more?
When I use Android [Webview ](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView.html) to browse inside an android app and load the hypothesis bookmarklet, it will succeed in loading the side bar and showing the public annotations....
The book search is very nice. If search is done without arabic harakat, still it will find words with harakat, like Quran ayats usually written with harakat (e.g. fatha, kasra.......
I am trying to attach to python3.7 process ...... pydevd_attach_to_process\attach_pydevd.py" --port 53687 --pid 4140 will fail. However, attaching to Python 3.6.7 has no problem. OS: Windows 10
learn.show_results() function does not show which label is the ground truth and which is the prediction. This was there in fastai v1 but seems in the last version at some...