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MNIST classification using Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) with 2 hidden layers. Some weight-initializers and batch-normalization are implemented.

Various initializers and batch normalization

An implementation of weight/bias initializers and batch normalization in Tensorflow.

MNIST database is used to show performance-comparison

Network architecture

In order to examine the effect of initializers and batch normalization, a simple network architecture called multilayer perceptrons (MLP) is employed.

MLP has following architecture.

  • input layer : 784 nodes (MNIST images size)
  • first hidden layer : 256 nodes
  • second hidden layer : 256 nodes
  • output layer : 10 nodes (number of class for MNIST)

Various initializers

The following initializers for weights/biases of network are considered.

Simulation results

  • Weight Initializer : he > trauncated normal = xaiver > normal
  • Bias Initilaizer : zero > normal

Sample results are following.


Index Weight Initializer Bias Initializer Accuracy
normal_w_normal_b_0.9451 normal normal 0.9451
normal_w_zero_b_0.9485 normal zero 0.9485
truncated_normal_w_normal_b_0.9788 truncated_normal normal 0.9788
truncated_normal_w_zero_b_0.9790 truncated_normal zero 0.9790
xavier_w_normal_b_0.9800 xavier normal 0.9800
xavier_w_zero_b_0.9806 xavier zero 0.9806
he_w_normal_b_0.9798 he normal 0.9798
he_w_zero_b_0.9811 he zero 0.9811

Batch normalization

Batch normalization improves performance of network in terms of final accuracy and convergence rate. In this simulation, bias initalizer was zero-constant initializer and weight initializers were xavier / he.

Sample results are following.


Index Weight Initializer Batch Normalization Accuracy
xavier_woBN_0.9806 xavier Unused 0.9806
xavier_withBN_0.9812 xavier Used 0.9812
he_woBN_0.9811 he Unused 0.9811
he_withBN_0.9837 he Used 0.9837


python run_main.py --weight-init <weight initializer> --bias-init <bias initializer> --batch-norm <True or False>

<weight initializer> must be selected in [normal, truncated_normal, xavier, he]. <bias initializer> must be selected in [normal, zero].

You may command like python run_main.py --weight-init xavier --bias-init zero --batch-norm True.


This implementation has been tested on Tensorflow r0.12.