i got the prediction like '[["1", "B_t_h"], ["9", "M_t_h"], ["4", "M_t_h"], ["0", "M_t_h"]]', the tag of number 0 should be 'E_t_h', is there any explation for this problem? and how...
一句话中有多对实体 关系的情况您怎么考虑呢(如ABC三个实体中,存在A_B,A_C两对实体关系的情况),拆成两行? 另外,您当前模型的精度怎么样呢 还有就是您模型中前后窗口长度设置的是多少呢 可能问题比较naive,还请您耐心赐教!
# Row-wise cosine similarity between two equal-width matrices and return the max top_k score and index, the score all greater than threshold_score. @vowelparrot @dev2049 @hwchase17 it's useful when we want...
add cosine_simirarity_v1 method which is 5 times faster than the orginal cosine_similarity method. # add cosine_simirarity_v1 method which is 5 times faster than the orgianl cosine_similarity method. @vowelparrot update math_utils.py...
### Validations - [X] I believe this is a way to improve. I'll try to join the [Continue Discord](https://discord.gg/NWtdYexhMs) for questions - [x] I'm not able to find an [open...
can you give the script about contnue pretraining?
can you share the continue pretraining scripts and sample data?