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Tor, I2P, ZeroNet, Freenet traffic data


This dataset contains user behavior traffic in Tor, I2P, ZeroNet and Freenet.

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We divide darknet user behaviors in 8 categories: Browsing, Chat, E-mail, Audio-streaming, Video-streaming, File Transfer, P2P and VoIP. We investigated the commonly used applications in Tor, I2P, ZeroNet, Freenet to simulate various user behaviors.

After capturing pcap, we use CICFlowMeter for feature extraction. Since our user behavior hierarchical classifier consists of 6 local classifiers, we divide the dataset into 6 csv files. The statistics of traffic data are shown in the following table.

Browsing Chat Email File Transfer P2P Audio Video VoIP Total
Tor 1281 841 553 1077 1018 1567 1703 592 8632
I2P 1921 442 1084 1791 2910 - - - 8148
ZeroNet 7972 1531 352 2157 1394 820 1251 - 15477
Freenet 4990 1123 2980 4897 - - 2397 - 16387


Original Pcap Datasets: Google drive - download

Contact Info

Yuzong Hu

[email protected]

Research paper

We present our approach and the findings of this work in the following research paper:

Y. Hu, F. Zou, L. Li and P. Yi, "Traffic Classification of User Behaviors in Tor, I2P, ZeroNet, Freenet," 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2020, pp. 418-424, doi: 10.1109/TrustCom50675.2020.00064.

If you use our work in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations using this Bibtex entry:

  author={Hu, Yuzong and Zou, Futai and Li, Linsen and Yi, Ping},
  booktitle={2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)}, 
  title={Traffic Classification of User Behaviors in Tor, I2P, ZeroNet, Freenet}, 