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how to auto resume download and show custom notification?
I have found this library newly. It's really perfect but I have just two problems:
- when I go out of the download activity and come back, the download progress is paused and I have to start it again manually; How I can start it programmatically not manually when I come back to the activity?
- How I can show custom notification in the notification bar showing the current download progress and It's other info?
1.You can get downloadTask list at start of Activity,and resume download; 2.Pump only care download, you can start a notifycation by youself when received downloadInfo.
Thanks for your response. In your sample; you are initiating and starting your whole download list in main activity before opening download list activity and your download list is providing from your download service, How can I initiate an start a download from a typical list item not list provided from the download service?
Download need url and filePath, and you can get them from downloadInfo,then you can start a download task.looks like this:
Pump.newRequest(downloadInfo.getUrl(), downloadInfo.getFilePath())
//Optionally,Set whether to repeatedly download the downloaded file,default false.
//Optionally,Set how many threads are used when downloading,default 3.
By the way, threadNum should be same as last download,otherwise the download will start all over again.
Thanks, but my list is providing from the server side and I don't have any download info at first, I don't know how I can manage that.
Download server list first and build a download list by listening download progress.