squeezer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
squeezer copied to clipboard

Texture Packer for Game Development Using MaxRects Algorithm

Overview Build Status Build status

Texture Packer for Game Development Using MaxRects Algorithm.

Note: The game assets used in this example were download from Grassland Tileset, thanks Clint Bellanger for made so many awesome game resources.


Don't hesitate to make a pull request. All kinds of contribution are welcome.
Note: Please follow the coding style of the existed codes.


$ cd ./src
$ make


$ cd .\src
$ nmake -f Makefile.mak


usage: squeezerw [options] <sprite image dir>
        --width <output width>
        --height <output height>
        --allowRotations <1/0/true/false/yes/no>
        --border <1/0/true/false/yes/no>
        --outputTexture <output texture filename>
        --outputInfo <output sprite info filename>
        --infoHeader <output header template>
        --infoBody <output body template>
        --infoSplit <output body split template>
        --infoFooter <output footer template>
    format specifiers of infoHeader/infoBody/infoFooter:
        %W: output width
        %H: output height
        %n: image name
        %w: image width
        %h: image height
        %x: left on output image
        %y: top on output image
        %l: trim offset left
        %t: trim offset top
        %c: original width
        %r: original height
        %f: 1 if rotated else 0
        and '\n', '\r', '\t'


$ cd ./src
$ make

$ ./squeezerw ../example/images --verbose --width 512 --height 256 --border 1 --outputTexture ../example/squeezer.png --outputInfo ../example/squeezer.xml

$ ./squeezerw ../example/images --verbose --width 512 --height 256 --border 1 --outputTexture ../example/squeezer.png --outputInfo ../example/squeezer.json --infoHeader "{\"textureWidth\":\"%W\", \"textureHeight\":\"%H\", \"items\":[\n" --infoFooter "]}" --infoBody "{\"name\":\"%n\", \"width\":\"%w\", \"height\":\"%h\", \"left\":\"%x\", \"top\":\"%y\", \"rotated\":\"%f\", \"trimOffsetLeft\":\"%l\", \"trimOffsetTop\":\"%t\", \"originWidth\":\"%c\", \"originHeight\":\"%r\"}" --infoSplit "\n,"


Licensed under the MIT license except lodepng.c and lodepng.h.

Note: lodepng used in this project to decode and encode png format. For the license used in lodepng please visit lodepng directly.


  1. http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/lightmaps/
  2. http://clb.demon.fi/projects/more-rectangle-bin-packing
  3. http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=MaxRectsBinPack
  4. https://github.com/juj/RectangleBinPack
  5. http://opengameart.org/content/flare-weapon-icons-2